Hooray! The last day of 2020 has finally arrived. Before I say good bye to 2020, here are my personal highlights:

Published author

I self-published my book on Women’s day. It’s seems like a long time now but it’s only been 9 months. It has been a wonderful journey and I am very thankful for the positive reviews, media features and the support from family, friends, colleagues, excolleagues and new friends. I am looking forward to write more books. My wish is that I spend most of 2021 just writing. Fingers crossed!

Part time working mom

It was quite an adjustment for me to work part time (I have never worked part time before). 3 times a week is equivalent to 60% workload. It was also surreal to have returned from maternity leave during Corona time. Not that I’m not used to conference calls- it’s what I spend my time on about 80% pre maternity leave. All of a sudden it’s 100% work from home and only meeting colleagues virtually.

It broke my heart though that we had to place our baby in daycare from a tender age of 7 months 3 times a week once I resumed working part time. Although there were clear benefits to my daughter’s development, I still felt that less than a year was too early. Nevertheless, we had no choice and just glad that it worked out fine, oddly complemented by the covid work from home situation as I somehow managed to continue breastfeeding (and still going at 15 months…and have no clue on when I’ll stop!).

I have to say though that going back to work gave me back a part of myself- 3 solid days where I can focus on something else and be reminded that I have a career and I’m damn good at it…as well as being a mom.

Ovfabpinays Podcast

I dabbled into podcasting. Yes dabbled. I did everything by myself and was not exactly sure of how to go about it initially- what questions to ask, which platform to use, etc. All I know is, I wanted to showcase Ovfabpinays around the globe to inspire and motivate Pinays who also want to live a fabulous life overseas. I think I succeeded somehow. I managed to have 8 episodes and 11 Ovfabpinays in the first series! Watch/listen to them here: https://ovfabpinay.com/category/ovfabpinays/

Will there be a season 2? Oh I surely hope so (wink, wink)!


Two nice surprises for me this year are my book winning the Gold Award in the Nonfiction book awards and being a finalist in the Best Interior Design category of the International Book Awards.

Being a new author is so hard especially if no one knows you. And this is definitely me because I was not a public figure before I became an author. So these awards are a welcome blessing to cement my credibility as an author and in producing a high quality piece of work. I could not be more thankful for these accolades.

End of my corporate job

Last month, my corporate job has ended. I have become a full time mom/author/postgrad student/aspiring social entrepreneur for the time being. I’m still figuring out the time allocations and if I’ll take on another corporate job but for sure it will be clearer in 2021.

New home

After months of searching for a new home, we finally found a new place and moved at the end of September.

We loved our flat in the city where we have lived since 2015 but it became too small after the baby arrived. I was really suffering- we did not have a room for the baby so the living room became the baby’s area- and I slept there on the sofa bed with the baby for a good solid 10 months. Also, the building did not have an elevator and we had 4 flights of stairs to get to/from our flat. Not fun when you’re pregnant and not more fun with a baby and baby stuff in tow!

We love our new home now. We still have not managed to unpack everything but slowly getting there.

Postgrad Student

I went back to school this year. Given that it’s a part time course, it’s still very challenging to juggle the demands of studies with family and work.

However, I’m really glad that I’m finally doing it. Strategy, Blue ocean, Ansoff’s matrix, Porter’s five forces, business cases and study groups…read on my journey so far: https://ovfabpinay.com/category/ovfabpinay-in-oxford/

Social Entrepreneur

I’m in the works of realizing my concept store that features local Philippine products from social entrepreneurs. It has been both humbling and proud to meet these entrepreneurs, know more about their cause, and to see their unique products. I can’t wait for the launch in 2021!

We know that 2020 has been a whole shitshow due to covid. It derailed many plans, postponed events, caused business losses and for some, the lost of loved ones.

Looking back at all the things that happened, I still feel very blessed that majority are good things and most especially, that my loved ones are healthy and safe all over the world.

Thank you 2020 and good bye.